Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It feels good to feel good!

Today was the first day in a very long while that I wasn't longing for a nap by 9am.

I woke up, went for a run, got home and had some breakfast with my cutie pie. Had some coffee on the back porch. Made lunch and a smoothie for hubby. Made dinner, and lunch! (crock pot dinner, and egg salad for lunch) and cleaned, and I do mean CLEANED my kitchen. I did some play dough, and made a snow globe(thanks pinterest!) and had lunch with Anisten. All before she took a nap at 11:00.

I decided to take the time to rest as well.

So I got on my favorite website PINTEREST and got some DIY ideas for the upcoming holidays!

I then proceeded to clean the rest of my house after nap time. I know it seems silly to feel so victorious over such minor things - that most of us hate doing anyways!- But now, at the end of the day. I have a clean house, dinner is made, and a happy baby.

Saturday, I cleaned out my entire closet, and organized it. YOW! Along with deep cleaning the fridge! -- big chore in our house.

I think it's safe to say I'm nesting a little bit. I am getting in preparation mode. Or maybe just enjoying the fact that I can still every once in a while enjoy a clean house. Even if it's only for a day. :-)

Relaxation begins NOW!

By "relaxation" I mean more pinterest!

17 Weeks- Hello energy!

This week I have felt wonderful! It's Tuesday, so I am a little over 17 weeks. This is the best I've felt since getting that positive pregnancy test!

My appetite is in full swing. No cravings except sushi. It's about the one thing that I could eat anytime, all the time. I only have a little each week, but I still really enjoy it so much!

I am still drained at the end of every day- More than my non preggo days. But at least I have energy during the day to work and hustle around a 2 year old!

I have developed these tension like headaches that knock me out! Luckily, there is something I can take for them when Tylenol wont do the trick. And that keeps them away for a few days. I also had a massage recently, and that helped a lot too! (Thanks Emily!)

I've been organizing, and cleaning so much more than before! I think I'm making up for lost time. Nesting much? Yes.
So far, I have went through all of my clothes/shoes/accessories/bags etc. and gotten rid of 4 trash bags of stuff. And put away all of the summer/athletic clothing that I won't be able to wear until next year (including some winter items). This morning I gave my kitchen a good old fashion scrub down. And it felt amazing. The weather today is cloudy and rainy-ish, so I laid the Anisten down for her nap, and got after it. Now I'm recovering. We wont talk about the rest of the house!

My bump is in no way a secret anymore! It's there! I haven't been very good about getting Scott to take pics of me regularly, but I've tried to keep them at (or around) every 4 weeks at least.Here is a little progress.....
4 weeks- The day I found out

8 weeks

10 weeks

14 weeks

16 weeks
Scott has a 14 week picture in the pink that I don't have yet. And we'll get an 18 week picture. I'm trying to do one a month in the same outfit. Should be interesting to see if it even fits in February!

I've been feeling more thuds lately. Less "fluttery" feeling, and more thumping. Love the movement!

We went to see our Doctor last week. He said all was well, and everything looked perfect. We also took Anisten and she got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby on the tv! She loved the heart beat, but she could care less about the ultra sound. Our little ones ticker was going at 145 bpm. Nice and strong. He put it on my stomach and we heard it immediately. He asked the question "You guys don't want to know what you're having right?" I think he knows.
Peek a boo!!! What a sweet little face.

Side view of a developing baby!

 We are scheduled for our BIG ultrasound tomorrow. It's a more extensive scan to check the baby's growth and development. I don't think it will, but if my due date (2/5/12) changes, it will be tomorrow. I just pray that everything comes out perfect!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I see lots of broken bones in our future.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My 2yr old preschooler!

It's been a while since I have updated on my girl!

She is getting so big, so fast!

A few days ago she ask me " How did that man build that hospital?" She constantly asks me how things work, and why things are the way they are (or aren't). She is certainly taking after her father with his engineer like skills.

Her favorite things to do these days are puzzles, taking extreme care of her babies, doing yoga with Mommy, painting, play dough and cooking.

We have been scorched in by the summer heat. So we have to get creative around here.

I had my first "proud, lets brag" Mommy moment. I was recently informed by Anisten's teacher and directors of the school that she will be moving in to the 3 year old preschool class. She has started transitioning over there, and the first week of September she will be a full time preschooler. ---Hold the phone. Did anyone catch that? My daughter will be in the preschool class!!!!!!!!

Her teachers are constantly raving about how much she talks and interacts with them. She told one of the teachers at lunch the other day " Miss Amy, this is disgusting" I haven't heard the end of it yet! Miss Amy went on about how well she talks and communicates with the teachers, and how it's even better than kids double her age. Miss Jordan who is/was her 2 year old class, The Honeybears, teacher says she has never seen any of her kids potty train as easily, and as early as Anisten. So I assume, that this all lines up with what most kids in the preschool class are doing.

It still makes me sad, that she is growing so fast! In that same breath, it makes me feel like all my efforts are paying off. Scott and I spend so much time doing things with her, and keeping her stimulated-instead of just plopping her in front of the TV. In fact, our TV is off a lot of time during the day. Just like we have "designated painting time" we have designated TV time. I attribute a lot of her imagination and creativity to this. Is it harder? You bet. Sometimes I'm so tired (especially now!) that I just want to let the tv baby sit her. But in 20 years I will wish for these times I spent on the floor with her playing and piecing together puzzles. Cleaning up paint messes, and crayon papers.

Anyways, I'm done bragging! :-) I am not trying to be all "Toddlers and Tiara" here, but we have all worked hard to get here!!!! So we have the right to be proud of our girl.

At "open gym"

Checking out and paying for her groceries.

Putting all her babies to sleep in cribs.

It's nap time AGAIN for those babies.

Add caption

16 Weeks-Already.

Well, I'm 4 months pregnant. Going on 6.

I feel so huge! And just blah. I've decided it's because I grew faster this time in the beginning, and it's STILL summer. So, I have to see more of myself, more often.

I'm convinced that this has been the absolute worst summer ever. So hot, so sick, and so much cabin fever!

Is it over yet?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More baby room Ideas.

So, since we're keeping the baby's gender unknown, I have been a little stuck on one theme that I like so much.
This theme seems to be simple enough to imitate! This bedding, is, (ready for this?) $850! Obviously, I don't love it that much.. But I toyed with the idea of just seeing if I can get one of my family members who know how to sew make the skirting, and skip the bumber and then sew a little blanket(easy!)  white sheets. But then, I came across this on, of all sites, Walmart! 

It's very similar! I love the wall color, and the rug- if I could just find it. I would add accents of  orange or (sage) green for a boy, and hot pink for a girl. It would be really easy to do!

The dresser that I will be putting in there is black already, so I'll paint every other drawer white, and do the knobs black.

I also love the idea of doing a primary (rainbow) colored room! I have the big foam mat with all the letters like this that I could use. I have a bunch of toys that are all primary colored! I would do pure white walls with red base boards or panels of some kind... I have no idea about the bedding though. I could still probably do something on my own. I love the idea of doing a rainbow (I've always loved rainbows, and their representation) on the wall with the babies name in the post of gold, or the cloud or something.

If it were a girl, I could always add butterflies, and flowery stuff, lady bugs etc... If it's a boy, nothing (or no rainbow at all)  I could add building blocks and crayons for decorations. So many kids things are made with the primary colors! I have lots of them already.

There aren't a ton of nusery ideas including rainbows, that I could find.

I have always loved colors bright ones, lots of them. Especially when it's something nature made....

My only concern might be that there sometimes is a certain connotation that comes with rainbows. But the way I think of a rainbow, is it's true meaning. And that's "promise".  Even with out a rainbow, I still love all of the colors together! And would make for a bright kids room!

Those are my 2 ideas as of now! I'm on the prowl for different ideas, still.

15 weeks- Feeling normal,only pudgy.

Week 15 has so far proved to be the best so far!
  • I have had a descent appetite even with a few cravings.
  • I have worn make up, and curled my hair.
  • I bought some new *ahem* under garments for my growing self!
  • I have been able to clean my house in bits and pieces again.
  • I've cooked several times, and made coffee with out running to the john.
  • *This is my fave* I've started running outside  again!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!
  • I've been feeling the baby pretty consistently and stronger each day.
  • I've developed heartburn in the last week- bleck! Nothing Pepcid Complete (my one true love!) can't fix.
I'm so excited to get back outside again. This was by far, the hottest summer I've ever been in! I daily, consider moving to a northern state, and don't think I'm kidding. So I have not been outside, since ya know, the twirly stomach and record breaking 115 degree weather don't mingle so well together. I think the lack of vitamin D has been playing a factor in my energy(and depression) level!
I got out Saturday, on a cool 73 degree morning, and ran just under 3.5 miles. Thanks to my first running coach, and fellow preggo Ashley!!!  I have been in the gym 2-3 times a week and trying to do yoga and various fitness work outs at home, but it's NOT the same. I like the convenience of working out at home, but between that and going to the gym alone, I feel isolated. I miss my group/partnered running! We only stopped for water and a walk break once or twice in our first run in forever. We obviously are much slower, but who's training for a marathon? Not this girl. So I've kind of decided to let go of the "training" mentality, of keeping a track of time, and just keep track of distance. I know that I'm about an 11 minute-ish mile now (which seems so slow to me) so I know that if I do 3-4 miles, I'm getting in plenty of cardio time. :-) I was a little sore after that run, but managed another 3.2 mile run 2 days later with Carrie, in my neighborhood. I would like to do some of the 5k's coming up this fall/winter, as long as I possibly can, so that's the plan. If I have to walk a lot of it, so be it. But I'm just happy that it's a break in the morning sickness and the heat at the same time.

My house has been a tornado the last few weeks months. Just to be able keep my kitchen and living room clean has made me happy. I have been going through Anisten's toys and delegating some to "baby" and some to daycare/donation... This also makes me happy!

I got heartburn around 14 weeks with Anisten, and same thing with this one. The nausea went away, the fire takes it's place. At least I get relief with the heartburn! But aside from that I've enjoyed eating more than just rabbit food! I've actually been craving steak and *some* meat.  I'm still a little repulsed by a lot of it! I've even been enjoying a little more coffee - and it's effects- the last few days. Mmm, how I've missed it.

I'm so excited to be feeling the little gold fish, popcorn popping, butterfly feelings in my tummy. Ice water, laying flat on my back in bed, and bending forward seem to be the most consistent ways to get my little girl/guy's attention! Oh, and not to mention the drive home from work when my pants that fit me that morning are popping buttons that evening!!

Everyone keeps asking if I think it's a boy or a girl.
I remember my friend Jess was pregnant with her son Hugh a few years ago,and she kept the sex of the baby unknown. I would ask her almost daily....Still think it's a boy? Are you sure? She knew. WHich is amazing, since she had nothing to compare it with!

I've always had a little inkling that I might be having another girl. I also have a strong desire to have another girl~ So, the 2 might be getting crossed in feelings. But we will find out in February. I do feel like this pregnancy has been almost exactly like my pregnancy with Anisten. Except I am(was) growing faster than I did with her. I was exactly the same weight, and in a thousand times better shape, than with A, but my body just knew what to do right away! I was growing so fast, now it seems to be leveling out.

I found out I was pregnant with Anisten in August, so I didn't start growing til the late fall/early winter. Well, I will have plenty of winter "bigger" clothes. Which are useless to me in June/July/August. Darn. I'm about on the same track as far as weight gain. Since my last visit 3 weeks ago, the scale says I've only gained one pound since. SO that's not too bad. I've been eating differently this time around. Not perfect by all means. Becuase honestly, taco bell sounds better than a salad at home-or anything cooking at home- but it's definitely better! That, added with chasing a toddler, and staying active, I think I'm hoping for a quicker recovery and speedy delivery!

I'm just happy to be feeling about 75% human again! Maybe each week will be better and better.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

14 weeks- Sunshine, is that you?

What a difference a week makes!
This morning is the best I've felt in 8-10 weeks.

Before 10:00am I:

  • I've made breakfast.
  • Packed husbands lunch.
  • Got dinner started in the slowcooker.
  • Folded a load of laundry.
  • Started and switched laundry.
  • Cleaned my kitchen.
  • And started a blog.
*I'm thinking of tackling my closet!*

I feel so good today. I know that if I over exert myself, I will reget it in the 2nd half of my day, so I'm taking it easy until after Anisten wakes up from her nap later on.

I've only gotten sick once or twice this week - YAY!

I have gained 7(probably more now) pounds already-YIKES!- I gained 50, yes I said 50 with Anisten. I am hoping to keep it around 40 this time. I've been working out more than I did with her- but not as much as usual. Jolting isn't so good for a queasy stomach. So I've been getting about 3 times a week in, at about an hour each. So it's not horrible. If nothing else, it's keeping my cardio healthy. I'm certainly showing much much much faster. My size now, is about what I was showing at 5-6 months with her. I'm not even 4 months yet! But, I'm having NO problem "padding" or "insulating" as I like to call it.

This week, my baby is the size of a navel orange!

This little one is measuring in at a whopping 3-3 1/2 inches.

I've started feeling the baby flutters!!! This makes a lot of the sickness worth it. I felt Anisten for the first time around 16-18 Weeks. And this one around 13 weeks. Yesterday my pants (sad face) were a little snug, and I certainly was hearing from my wiggly orange. :-)

While I know that all day everyday I am not feeling 100% yet, I am so grateful to have a little energy back! I think Anisten is happy too!

On top of that, the weather, which has consisted of highs over 100 degrees for about 6 weeks, has  finally broke today. I went outside this morning just to see what 74 felt like again. I'm so excited for fall right around the corner!

Good day today! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 13-Can I do this?

I woke up today extremely tired, and ready to crawl back in bed.

Instead, I......

Wake up
Force myself to eat something that might stay down
Get myself dressed
Get my daughter dressed-with out a melt down!
Drop her off at school
Work until the last possible moment before I'm late to pick her up from school
Dig through my empty fridge wondering what I can make, that wont make my house hotter than it already is
Sit at the computer and pout

Is it bed time yet?

I had no doubts about having Anisten, and being capable of taking care of her. She came at the most inconvenient time in my life, but the most perfect.

This time around, I am asking myself everyday, "Can I do this?"

My house is destroyed because I have no energy to play with Anisten, so she drags toys to whatever room I'm laying in. And I have no energy to pick them up and put them away.

My laundry is backed up (this is huge for me!)

I already feel like I am lacking in sleep-- Really? Before I have a newborn?!

I guess I just need to know that having 2 is do-able.

Today I am 13 weeks and 1 day.

*Here's to hoping that I return to semi-normal soon!

12-13 weeks "It's official!"

By now, you have figured out, I am not keeping up with the weekly updating thing. Especially at this point, the stuff to update is pretty much the same!

Today is the day that I will be announcing the news! -- I will post all of my previous posts (somehow) tonight as well.

We went for our 12 week(4day) check up. The baby was sleeping with his/her hand over their face. But moved a little with the pressure on his/her poor little house.

We have decided to wait until delivery day to find out what we are having! So, we have to constantly (not that he would have been able to know this early anyways) remind our doctor that we are keeping it a secret. He likes to keep it a secret too. He says the delivery room is just so much more fun when it's a big surprise! --Glad someone is having fun--

We have started talking about nursery themes and baby names, but haven't moved too much forward yet.

All of our family is officially informed of the news, and most of our friends. I will announce it to my clients and facebook friends now.

We are super excited. We're already talking about how things will change, for the better, but also new obstacles we will face as parents of 2.

I am hoping that with in the next few weeks I will be able to feel the baby kick! I keep feeling what "feels like" the first movements, usually at night when I'm full and still, but I keep telling myself it's way, way way too early. I felt Anisten at 16 weeks....so hopefully with in the next 2-4 weeks I will undoubtedly know that those little feet and hands are swooshing around!

I will start putting up my pictures soon. I accidentally erased my 12 week picture, so I will take another picture tonight, and add it.

11ish weeks- Sorry I was sleeping

Well, I've skipped a few weeks. This should be a great indicator of how I feel.

It's be R.O.U.G.H. I haven't thrown up as much as when I was pregnant with Anisten (Thanks to meds!) but I feel worse.  It's all I can do to get on the floor and play with my girl. I'm off work 4 days a week-thankfully- but I used so much of that time to sleep!

I'm now 11 1/2 weeks (12 weeks on Sunday)

Yesterday was the first day that I felt "okay"......... There is end in sight. I woke up this morning hazy, but I haven't had the wave of nausea slap me in the face. After some ice cold water, and a few powdered doughnuts, I think I'm in the clear. Just don't start the coffee, it'll send me running!

As for my eating habits! WHOA. My body is trying to pack on weight, and quick. I am already thicker, and I already have a layer of fat on my tummy. Remind you, I was underweight(low bmi) to begin with, so this comes as no surprise. I gained 50 YES 50 lbs with Anisten.. YIKES! At my 6 month check up with her, my doctor joked that I'm finally the weight of most people my age/height. LOL.  I think it's happening faster this time around, maybe due to the fact that my body is going based of memory? Once you learn to ride a bike, no matter how long in between, you still know how! I will say I am eating a LOT healthier this time around, but I am also eating some "junk" too! I'm just eating a lot. Fruit has pretty much been the one thing that hasn't bothered me. Although I have thrown up watermelon *GROSS!* but it wasn't because of the watermelon....

So I think I will show much sooner. Which is fine, I just want to stay active (like I have a choice with a toddler) and at a healthy weight (35-45lbs) gain this time around.

I have not been running, due to my yakking. Poor Carrie, we ran a few weeks ago, and I threw up on our run, I think I scared her! I did try my first prenatal workout video yesterday! -- Thanks MEL!!!-- and I'm sore today. So that's a good thing! The weather is close to record breaking hot, so I'm just not fighting the morning sickness and fatigue to try and push my way in to being a pregnant runner. I plan to continue to run, but I'm not so attatched to it that I would cry if I didn't run. I plan to stay in good enough shape, whether videos, the gym, (try out) spin class, or whatever, hopefully I can do enough to resume running in the little bit of cooler weather, and I'll have more energy then too. I will do my best to stay in shape while pregnant either way so that I can resume running  postpartum. I'm not to concerned with it......

We have announced to both of our families! *Except Scott's father* We don't see him regularly, so we didn't really want to send a "text" that seems impersonal...But, we may have to, before I get too big,and before I start telling clients and such. Anisten knows, but doesn't really "get it." I will tell her there is a baby in mommy's tummy, and she will raise her shirt up and tell me "There is a baby in Anisten's tummy" Or she will ask to see the baby. But it's very short lived, and she doesn't really care right now. Maybe when things are more evident, she will get it!

My 12 week appointent is next Thursday. I'll be 12 weeks and 5 days, so closer to 13 weeks. I'm hoping to get an ultrasound, since our last one was just a little dot. :-)

Again, I have to brag on my husband. I have never been so behind on house work, laundry, no cooking----YIKES!!!!! He has done an amazing job at keeping everything up! I've got easy thing to pop in the oven, or cook. Or he will find out what sounds good, and bring something home. He's kept the house clean - Or clean enough to be cleaned easily- He has taken care of Anisten. He comes home from working all day, takes her, shuts my door, and plays with her, and gets her tucked in for the night. He is my saving grace right now! He's done the grocery shopping, folded and put away the laundry. Taking care of the dogs-- ALL OF IT! So, I have to brag on him. Thank you honey for being the best! 

There is a little update on how I'm doing, and how everything is going around the Campbell house. You will be reading soon enough! Only another week or 2. I'll work on some pictures too!

Week 8-We saw our baby!

Yesterday was our first appointment with our (new) baby doctor!

I already love him.

He spent a lot of time answering my questions. We got to see the baby in an ultrasound. He said that everything looked perfect and healthy.

With calculations, and measuring being identical- It put me at 8 weeks and 1 day.

My official due date is February 5th,2012.
This seems like a wonderful time -sans the snow storms- to have a baby!!!!

My energy level these days is pretty non existent. My nausea has gotten worst. (Can't wait to try out that anti-nausea cream) but it isn't all day every day. Just intense when it is present.

We are going to start announcing the news to our family this weekend and/or next. My birthday is this weekend, and I was hoping to get all of the family together ( 4th July) and be able to put on Anisten's shirt with the big news on it. " This firecracker is going to be a big sister!" So who ever can't be there we will just send a picture of her wearing the shirt. We're pretty excited.

Seeing our sweet baby on that screen really makes it a little more realistic!

Week 8- Is the first trimester over yet?

Aye..... Between trying to stay awake, and avoid the toilet at all cost, it's been rough!

I had my first Doctor's visit yesterday.

My official due date is Feb 5th, 2012. What a good time to have baby! - Sans the snow storm -
 The baby was measuring 8 weeks and 1 day. Which matches up to my calculations exactly.

My Dr. gave me a prescription for anti-nausea cream. Hopefully that will work!

Week 7- Bring on the symthoms

Welcome me in to the YAK club. I tossed my cookies-should I say coffee?- this morning. I've been turned off to a lot of food, or eating in general, some days. And other days, I eat like someone is going to steal my food away from me!

I feel like the worst mom ever. I am not keeping up with the house duties, and I am just lounging around watching tv, or watching Anisten play. On days that I feel good, I try to over exert myself and play with her a whole time. Leaving me completely depleted!
I know I'm not the only person who has been pregnant with a toddler. But I don't think I knew it would be this draining. I keep comparing pregnancies. I keep thinking to myself " I don't remember being this tired with Anisten...." Well it's because when I was tired, I just slept. Instead of running after a 2 year old. Or cleaning up the huge mess she made because I just let her drag out so many things to keep her entertained! --Back to the bad-mommy thing--

So week 7 definitely has me feeling way pregnant!

Again, thankful for Scott who has taken on so many house things, getting her fed, bathed, in bed..all on top of working a full time job. How did I score this one? He will pick up the house and get it all clean, and say " It doesn't bother me, but I know it bothers you...." To me this is saying 2 things... it's telling me that he doesn't mind that I've let the house get shattered by hurricane Anisten, over and over. That it's okay to be down and "out of commission" for a while. He's also saying that he knows it's something important to me, so he will do his best to keep it up. So that I don't have a melt down. Which, I've yet to have. But let me say those sappy commercials almost get me every time!

How will I handle 2?


Today was a hard day. Anisten is either cutting teeth, or growing, or something! She has been such a grump. It's been very very trying on me. I have a lot of patience with her most days. But today, she was just melting down over every little thing, and just off balance.

I woke up feeling EXHAUSTED. Ain't that something? I got a full 9 hours of sleep and felt like a mac truck hit me. I skipped my run (sorry Carrie) after getting completely dressed, and laid back down on the couch closest to the guest bathroom. Just in case my stomach was going to do what I thought it was going to do. I was grouchy and just plain wanted to crawl back in bed! Today was the first day I really felt like, "how am I going to do this?"

It's one thing to learn to adjust to put myself after her, once she was born. The things I used to do, I don't. Or have to modify.

But this wasn't a matter of me being selfish, just wanting time for myself. This is a matter of me trying to keep my cookies down, and feeling like I've taken 5 benedryls, only to chase around a demanding, grumpy 2 year old.

I know there will be great days. But I also know there will be not so great days. Like today. Just another memory that I'd like to remember!

Baby Campbell Week 6

Well, it's really hard to keep this secret! Especially when running with a friend. Or laying out by the pool catching up on gossip. Luckily, we only have 2 more week until I see Dr. Ross. You won't be reading this for just a bit longer than that though!! I'm still not sure how I want to post these. There will be like 10 posts from me at one time! Maybe I should combine them all in to 3 posts or something. Although my mother in law found out this weekend because she saw the pictures of my stomach in Scott's phone!(while looking at pics and videos of Anisetn) There is one of a pregnancy test too. OOPS.

Anyways! I am 6 weeks today. YAY! So far, I'm still feeling okay. My energy level is higher than it was right after I found out. I am drained by the end of the day, but that is almost kind of normal anyways. I'm a NON STOP kind of girl. I have had more days with nausea- yuck. Still not food aversions. This is a big thing!
I am being optimistic. But, like I said last week, my symtoms didn't kick in until 6-7 weeks last time. I do think I need to start shopping for a larger bra. The girls have gotten bigger. BOOOOO! No cravings.

I am starting to feel "thicker". I still fit in all of my clothes,obviously, but I just feel like I don't have the muscle control to keep a tight tummy. I haven't gained any weight yet-- I don't think that started until around 10 weeks before.

I'm still running/working out 3-4 times a week. It's sooooooooooooo hot here, that I'm very un-motivated to run outside. So, I've been hitting the gym the last 2-3 weeks. I think this will be a new thing for me. I want to run while pregnant, but I also don't want to be outside. So I'm not feeling that attached to it.

Nursery ideas already!

I'm in a different place this go around. I have a house, and I'm much more settled. Since we have planned this pregnancy, I have been thinking of things like the nursery already.

We are considering keeping the gender of the baby a secret. As in, we aren't going to know what we're having until delivery time!!! That's a whole other blog.

So this makes planning a nursery (which I didn't do until 8 months pregnant with Anisten) a little more tough. I know that I want to do something modern. I want bright. I want something that I can add too, after the baby is born and persuade the room one way or another.

We will be purchasing a toddler bed for Anisten, and then using her (black) crib for the new baby. After talking to Scott. We've decided to do a "black and white" theme. We will accent it with the bright aqua blue. I feel like, with this color, I can add some orange or green  for a boy, or pink to the room for a girl.

I've been scouting, and have found a few ideas that I love already.

This isn't quite the blue, but it's very simliar. What I love about this picture, is the rug, and the bed skirt. I also love the white table and lamp.Also the rug...Since I'm starting so early, I  can scout out garage sales and craigslist for another dresser, either for Anisten, or new baby. I want it white though. The one we have for Anisten is black, so if we use that one, I'll paint 2 of the drawers white, and maybe the top diaper changing part white.I

I'm also considering,if I have to, just making the bedding! I know, this seems INSANE. I have a brand new sewing machine, that hasn't been used yet. I'm thinking this would be a perfect time to bust it out.

Depending on the bedding, we're thinking of doing one of the walls striped like this. This is the green that I would accent with as well, if we have a boy! I'm not super opposed to this color alone! But everyting (including the walls) would be black and white, with accents of the green, like this room.

 I like the big letters with the collage of things. I am considering doing something like this. Kind of has an abstract feel. I also have already printed Anisten's hands on a canvas, and plan to put it in the baby's room as a decor. When I saw this, I was excited! I like the single letter, instead of the name. The names we've chosen (still another blog) both start with the same letter. HOW COOL? So, that would be easy to handle.

Here is what I was talking about, with the "accent" wall. Do you think that green is too "boyish"? I really really love it. Anisten's room is super hot lime green, so Scott says we don't need another green room, but I kind of love the look of this.

Happy to announce......

We are expecting baby number 2!

Estimated time of arrival - February 6th. (unofficial due date.)

We have always said once Anisten turns 2, that we would start talking about the possibilities of a sibling for her. Well. It only took one month to make the decision.

I have decided that I want to keep up with this pregnancy via blog. I want to record my cravings, my symtoms, and growing belly! I didn't keep any record of anything except pictures, randomly, with Anisten. I will always remember so much about that pregnancy. It was my first, and my world stopped when I got pregnant with her. So I had nothing but time to remember what week I first felt her kick. I remember my first craving. My first yakking session.... and so on.

I know more than anything, that this will go by extremely fast, chasing a toddler and getting fatter by the day!

So I'd like to have some references to how all the amazing, and not so amazing, things about growing a child inside of my belly!

There will be days that I'm feeling amazing, and there will be days when my posts will be more like a huge RANT!

You won't be reading this post for another 4-6 weeks. But  I will continue to blog at least once a week! The only people who know, is my husband, and a few of the girls at work (in case something happens while I'm there), and Melissa.

So, I found out on Memorial day. I missed my period, and was suspicious.  I tested, and with in seconds, both lines turned pink!

How am I feeling?
I'm feeling exhausted!  I'm a nervous wreck. And have this "nesting" instinct that is rushing through my vains. Getting rid of things, cleaning like a mad women, saving money.... I feel like I felt  when I was 8 months pregnant with Anisten! More than anything, I'm so excited! It just feels right.....
Symptoms: The main symptoms are exhaustion, and lower back ache. I have had strong waves of nausea, but nothing too horrible yet. Little light headed, and bloated ... And, I already feel thicker.

I will see my doctor on June 27th. So we don't plan to announce the news until after then. I will be close to 10 weeks then. I'm approximately almost 5 weeks now.  I will just count my weeks on Monday, since that's when I found out. It will just be easier to keep track of.

So, there you have it!

We couldn't be more happy! And, I can't wait for you to be able to read this. :-)