Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey DO!


Anisten turned 2 yesterday. *Sigh* How do I feel? Indifferent.

I'm happy that she is blossoming with so much balance. She is content. She's adaptable. She is happy.She is learning at such a fast rate. Something new every day! She has excellent social skills. She's not shy. She is almost potty trained. She sleeps in her big girl bed all night (12-14 hours!). She brings joy to a room, as soon as she enters. I love that she is learning to be independent. Something I strive to teach her.... but this only means one thing. She is less-dependent. On me.

So I'm sad that my baby is growing up...she no longer needs me for the things that she needed me for before. She is doing so many things on her own now. Picking out her clothes(quite a site sometimes), cleaning up after herself. Self soothing. Making her own thoughts and creating her own little imaginary world. All by herself. Even as I write this, I'm sad, but I also have come to a realization..... She does need me. She needs me for different things now. She will always need me for something. And I can't let my "need for need" ( A WHOLE NEW BLOG)  cripple her.

Okay enough with all that feeling business! How do you celebrate a 2 year olds birthday? Well...
The night before she went to bed, we left all but one of her binkies out for the bunny rabbit to take and bring presents in return. So when she woke up she had presents in all of the places. She LOVED it! And wasn't sad about the missing binkies. Remind you she still had the ONE binky.
We went and had birthday pancakes and milk for breakfast. YUM! We to the store to buy a birthday dress, and a truck and book. (It's what she wanted)
We then went to the mall. We took her to Build-a-Bear to make a bear for her birthday. She picked out her bear, and took it over to the lady to get it stuffed. We then told her that since she was 2 now, she doesn't need a binky anymore. We are going to put it inside of the bear,so she  can still have her bear and binky when she wants! She willingly did it. And then...She realized it was sewn in there, and not coming back. It took a few minutes but she eventually understood. She didn't like it, but she understood. I'll do a whole new blog on that too.
We rode the carousel! One of her FAVES!
Came home to recover and take a little nap.
She then gets up and asks to go to the park. Not just the park, but the "Big park". The here in Glenpool is the one she likes to go to the most. So of course we packed some snacks and struck out!
After an hour and half at the park she came home and got cozy with a movie, while mom and dad cooked dinner.
She played outside some more, and then it was time for bath and bed time! I'm scared.
She cried and was reallllllly upset that she couldn't have her binky. She said she wanted us to take back BlueBeary, her new bear, and get her binky back. This was heartbreaking b/c she actually has the knowledge and understanding of what has happened. She only took about 15 minutes to fall asleep, and slept ALL night long.

She had a wonderful day. Even with out her binky, she was so so so so happy.
Scott and I were both able to be off with her. And we had just the most PERFECT day ever.

It's been an amazing two years. I'm so proud of my little girl, and couldn't imagine life before or with out her!!