Sunday, December 13, 2009

christmas this year

This year, Christmas has a whole new meaning. I am so excited, and now understand why parents get so much thrill out of doing Christmas each year. I have already had fun getting stocking stuffers, and little gifts here and there for my baby girl. I know that she wont remember, and I know that she will get sooooo much but, I think that I am really more about creating traditions, and memories.

Some things that I would like to keep in tact for Christmas and raising a family are

I would like to each year go through toys and clothes to give to kids who don't have anything. ( Salvation army, etc) and I want my kids to be a big part in giving these toys away.

I want to, as a family, pick an angel off of the angel tree to go shopping for each year.

I want to do away with ' lists " I want it to be like it was in the old day when we were all just so surprised.

I want to make sure that my kids know that Christmas isn't just a holiday where santa comes and brings gifts. I want them to know the real reasons for Christmas. That we are celebrating the life of our redeemer. With out him, we are nothing.

I want to enjoy the music the whole season. This year, I really have. I have a channel in my car that has some amazing artists on it. I want to go and buy some of their cd's after hearing their Christmas music!

I want to implement traditions. Like Christmas eve dinner. And Church services. Making ginger bread houses etc....

I have about 75% of my shopping done. I still have some to do. I didn't ask anyone this year what they wanted. I wanted to be creative, and thoughful. I may not be able to give gifts that are worth $200 each, but they are all well thought out. Not one single gift this year is thought-less. Even in the wrapping, I spent lots of time being creative.

So much more to look forward to! I have to go- But I'll do a part 2 and put up some pics of the tree and such....

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