As a mother of a small child, I'm find myself lucky to get free time, but very lucky to get some GIRL time!
Girl time, is not "alone" time..... it's very much the opposite! Its a non stop chatty time! I have some friends who I run with that have introduced me to some of their running friends! (( VERY ELITE runners I should say!)) And they like to get together every couple of weeks for a few hours of girl time!!
This is a time when I am allowed to be me. I can be me with pretty fixed hair, heels, make up and a fabulous flower! - - I don't have anyone demanding my attention, or needing something done.
We got together at a friend's house a couple of weeks ago, and I realized home important this is to a women! We are talkers, and socializers by nature.. We don't sit and watch the game together, and occasionally say something in reference to the game... We talk JUST to talk... Things that are of very little importance to anyone else *especially men* are the hot topics in a room full of girls!
So we dedicated this girls night to Jeanean. It was a early birthday party for her. She just got her ears pierced a couple of months ago, and needed a "stock the ear ring party!" So, we gave it to her. She walked out with many fabulous sets of jewels for her ears!!
We decided that since Chera had a room full of (very fancy!) shoes that most of us wear, we should try them on! Even those of us who have never worn heels before, had to dabble in the shoes.
Of course I happened to have a "few" extra flowers laying around in my car. I showed up wearing a flower (as always) and had one for the birthday girl, and by the end of the night everyone needed one! - - To go with their fancy shoes of course!
We then thought we should take pics of this flower and shoe party. Lots of laughs and flashes later, we called it a night. What a blast!!
Thanks Chera for letting us play in your shoes!
Some times its great to just remember... I'm me.. and while I'm Mommy, Wife, Sister, Daughter..... I'm still me. And that's ok.
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