Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life's little lessons.

I've only been alive all of 24 years. I feel like it's long enough to learn a few of life's lessons that are sometimes hard learned.

I have learned.........

... life if absolutely NOT fair. It never will be, and that's just how it is. We often blame God for this, but he has nothing to do with it.

... that family is, and will always be, there for you in your time of need.

... babies, they cry. A lot.

... To never under estimate the reaching child around a hot bowl of soup. ( This was a sad one to learn)

... Never go to bed angry.

... Drive the speed limit.

... Don't buy a RED car!

... You have to do what works for you and your family, no matter what others say or think.

... Trust your gut. Always.

... (REAL) good  friends are hard to come by. Hang on to the few you have.

... Even when we think our prayers that are long over due are falling on deaf ears... They aren't.

... It's ok to wear heals and pink lipstick to the local grocery store.

... It's ok to wear yoga pants and tennis shoes to the local grocery store.

... The shirt on my back often becomes a large burp rag. And it's alright.

... Mom's recipe is always the best. Period.

... I will always be judge no matter what I do. So why not do what I know/think is best?

... Money will never buy happiness.

...  If I don't take care of myself, then no one else will.

... A hot bath and a good book will fix any bad day.

... To relax- things really will work themselves out.

... To take time for myself, and know that IT'S OK AND I'M WORTH IT. ( I hope this is something that I can pass to my kids) We become so busy with " life"  and blink and our kids are grown, with their own kids, we have grey hair and wrinkles, and life has passed us by. As if this process doesn't happen fast enough. Slow down, and enjoy it. Everything else, it can wait.

... I can't thrive off hamburgers and pop.

... Our bodies are the most incredible thing. We are designed to do such amazing things. I will always do my best to take care of it. For myself and my kids. I want to be around when they are doing the important things in life!

... Life really is like a box of chocolates! You have to bite in to them to figure out what's inside. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we dont.

... My opinion really doesn't matter, and that I've worked on keeping it to myself.

...  I can't always fix a bad haircut.

... I've learned that love is the hardest, most rewarding job out there. Ive said it before. Love is hard. But it's so worth it.

... Things are JUST things.

... WORDS can and will hurt- even worst than sticks and stones. Guard your tongue.

... I can never take too many pictures.

... Food really is the way to a mans heart.... :-)

... I can find anything on the internet!

... This is a big one....Independence is such a hard thing to teach and allow their children to grow in to. But how accomplished do we feel when they are able to survive and have the life skills to be sucessful in life. To make their own decisions and the right ones. ( Another thing that I hope to instill in my children) I think it's so very important to have this.  I can understand as a parent why parents hang on and want to be their sole source of " survival" But I know even with Anisten, we were so proud the first night she slept in her bed, all the way across the house at only 2 months old! Now she will fall asleep on her own and is learning great sleeping habits. This is just the 1st of her little life lessons! (( It wasn't easy for me to take that first step of " letting go" it was very hard! But I know in the long run it's worth it and already is!))

In my whole life I've learned half of what I've learned since I found out that I was going to be a mother. There are so many life lessons that we are taught once we become a parent. I was just thinking today that everything in the world is so SMALL compared to the things that really matter in life.

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