Wednesday, September 7, 2011

19 weeks- Eating a toddler's diet.

I got fast forwarded from 17 weeks and 2 days to 18 weeks, last Wednesday! My new due date is February 1st,2012. I am not attached to the idea of having a baby early. I really want the month of February. I had Anisten on her due date, so I can't measure whether I "go past my due date, or go early" She was pretty big (8lbs) so had we done the half way anatomy age scan like we did this time, maybe they would have moved her due date up.

I am feeling awesome this week! I've been able to resume all of my normal activities- hooray!

Cooking, cleaning, running, working. All in full force. I know that it's only a matter of time, when things will slow down again, but luckily through the fall and beginning of winter, I will feel descent!

So as for my diet....... Apparently we hit a growth spurt this past week. I have been eating my usual "healthy" stuff. But have decided in addition to the wonderful fruits, and veggies.
I want lots of things like:

Apple juice
Mac and cheese
Spaggettio's (which sound DIVINE right now at 10am)
PB&J- I resist the urge to cut all the crusts off like when we were children.

It's so funny, as I don't usually keep a lot of these things on hand. I have maintained a very healthy diet for 80% of the time. But sometimes Taco Bueno wins!

I've been able to resume my coffee drinking with out yakking. This is a plus in my life! The weather has been STELLAR the last week. So, I've been enjoying it on my back porch in the mornings, while Anisten plays.

I've been able to run 4 times in the last week. Each run becoming stronger and stronger. I plan to run the Susan G.Komen Race for the cure 5k next weekend. I have been doing pretty good with keeping a steady pace, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish it in a respectable (under 40 minutes!) time, but if I don't I won't be sad at all. I will just enjoy being out there with other runners. :-)

I can't believe I'm almost HALF WAY DONE! It seems like it went so much faster than my first time. Which is why I've decided to keep this blog. I know that I will forget little things along the way, due to a busier life with a toddler.

The baby has been much more active this week, and more responsive. So if I drink lots of cold water, have some caffeine, a big meal, tight pants all seem to trigger the ever growing thumps in my tummy.

I took a picture on Saturday which put me at about 18.5 weeks. I will have Scott take another 20 week pic, which is always better than the mirror, phone in hand pics, but the idea is still the same!

You will have to excuse the " just got finished with a 5 mile run " look! LOL. But I like taking a picture in my running stuff, it shows off my tummy more than my regular clothes. I reallly should shower and put make up on before posting this all over the interweb! But, I'm not too concerned with it. Today.

Here's to another phenomenal week!!!

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