Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 30- Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful that this pregnancy has been a healthy one! Not only a healthy baby, but healthy mama as well.

We took a trip to visit my family in Louisiana for the holiday- and it is not an easy one to make for a 30+ week pregnant women. I highly advise against it. My back was not having it!

What's new? 

  • Peanut butter is staying in business, because of me. And milk. Apparently it's about the time that the baby starts trying to put on some weight. Hungry little fella! 

  • I'm waking up in the middle of the night to eat. OR drink. I'm not eating a lot more than usual during the day, but at night I'll roll over ( in discomfort of course) and feel very hungry or thirsty instantly!

  • I have been stretching. I blame it on Thanksgiving, but I have certainly been getting bigger! 

  • My hips pop every time I take a step. Lame..
  • My work out routine is still going strong- minus my 5 day vacation sabbatical-Spinning about 4 times a week, and body pump/pilates 1-2 times a week. Feeling strong! I'm excited to see the post baby benefits. I hear that it helps ease the delivery process and of course the getting back in to shape and recovery.
  • I've discovered the belly band!!!!!!!  Where has it been my whole pregnancy!?
one day shy of 30 weeks-- Wearing my pre-preg skinny jeans! Thank you belly band. And spin.
  • We have yet to clean out the "junk/toy room" for the baby. I just keep putting if off, and putting it off. I know they say things are different with your 2nd. And it's definitely true. It's hard to clean out a toy room, when my daughter is sitting in the middle of the room playing with all of the toys!
  •  We had our first baby shower. Love my friends!!!!! Had a blast.  Got some great practical things for the baby. 
  • I've learned to lean on my chiropractor these days! Extra stretching and manipulation is NOT a bad thing for my pregnant bones.

Alright, I'll update in a few days for my 31 weeks! 9 weeks or less to go?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!

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