Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finger, and wall, and face, and counter paint.

Yesterday Anisten and I had the day off together. We devoted it to staying home, cleaning, and baking. During breakfast, I noticed that she was using her nutella to paint all over her high chair tray. I figured since we were going to wal-mart and had devoted the day to staying in, we might as well try some painting! I just bought the Crayola Finger Paints which claim to be completely washable, and non toxic. Perfect.

We really enjoyed playing with them. I was trying to teach her to use her brush on the paper, but she thinks that the brush (being the very smart girl she is!) is a make up brush! So, needless to say, she really liked putting it on her body, and her face... We had a great time anyways. She really liked it. It was something new and entertaining! I dipped her in the tub let her play for a few minutes, and she was clean in no time. The paint came off my center island and myself very easy.

While all that shanannigans was going on, we had some yummies going on in the oven! -- I had a few bananas that were close to being too brown. This very rarely happens, I usually can't keep them in stock with my little monkey!
So.... I looked up the recipe for banana bread, and an hour later, we were pulling it out of the oven!

It turned out way better than I anticipated! I hadn't ever made it before. But it was so easy that we'll definitely make this a regular around here!!
Anisten had 2 pieces yesterday!

Now she's just being silly!!!
So, that was our super domesticated day yesterday!  ( not to mention the shrimp fajita's and black bean & corn succotash I made! ) And some recent pictures of this cute baby!

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