Monday, August 24, 2009

Daddy's little cubbie.


Wow, is the weekend over already? It seemed to fly by! Yesterday was Sunday funday! We always look forward to our Sundays. It's our " family " day! Yesterday morning started early with Anisten waking up around her usual time 6:30-7. She came to our bed and ate, and we all fell asleep until about 8:30 or so. I noticed that she wasn't her usual playful friendly self like she usually is in the morning. I also begin to notice that her little gums were white, and swollen. " Oh no, another teething day" was my thought. I was right. We gave her teething tablets * Which I will swear my life by!* and then a little tylenol and she seemed a little better about 30 minutes later. So we met the Collis' for breakfast at BBD (( YUMMMMMMY!)) and came back home and stayed in bed until the afternoon napping, and just being lazy. Daddy got up and browned us some hamburger meat and made nachos for lunch. So again little girl is just grumpy fussy and not feeling well. We hang out for a little while longer until her tylenol kicks in and we decide to get out for a bit. What to do on a Sunday afternoon with the high of 85 and a breeze? Yep, you guessed it! We wanted to go for a run. So we loaded up the car, got the jogging stroller and headed out to riverside.
We decided to see if our newly neighbors that live right across the street from where we run wanted to go with us! We send Melissa a message and she cheerfully accepts our invite! We grabbed her and parked and took off for our run. about a half mile in to our run, I decided that my bladder was really full. Have you tried to bounce up and down for 2 1/2 miles with a full bladder? So I make it to our one mile marker by the casino, and found a EWWWWW porta potty. But I didn't care! haha. So besides the fact that my legs were getting tired on the way back it was much more tolerable than before. We finished our run and decided we needed to cool down a little bit.
Apartments have pools right? Anisten was feeling a little better so we decided to just hop in for a sec. So we did. Anisten decided she wanted to get in too. She loved the water even though it was a bit chilly. I think since she had a little fever it might have actually felt good to her.

another cute thing that she is now doing is putting her feet in her mouth and sucking on them. It's so cute to see her do that. We have to admit that we're all a little jealous that she's so limber!

Well since it's taken me an hour to figure out how to put these pics in with the " new uploader " b/c the old one wasn't working i'm going to get off here.


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