Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 30- Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful that this pregnancy has been a healthy one! Not only a healthy baby, but healthy mama as well.

We took a trip to visit my family in Louisiana for the holiday- and it is not an easy one to make for a 30+ week pregnant women. I highly advise against it. My back was not having it!

What's new? 

  • Peanut butter is staying in business, because of me. And milk. Apparently it's about the time that the baby starts trying to put on some weight. Hungry little fella! 

  • I'm waking up in the middle of the night to eat. OR drink. I'm not eating a lot more than usual during the day, but at night I'll roll over ( in discomfort of course) and feel very hungry or thirsty instantly!

  • I have been stretching. I blame it on Thanksgiving, but I have certainly been getting bigger! 

  • My hips pop every time I take a step. Lame..
  • My work out routine is still going strong- minus my 5 day vacation sabbatical-Spinning about 4 times a week, and body pump/pilates 1-2 times a week. Feeling strong! I'm excited to see the post baby benefits. I hear that it helps ease the delivery process and of course the getting back in to shape and recovery.
  • I've discovered the belly band!!!!!!!  Where has it been my whole pregnancy!?
one day shy of 30 weeks-- Wearing my pre-preg skinny jeans! Thank you belly band. And spin.
  • We have yet to clean out the "junk/toy room" for the baby. I just keep putting if off, and putting it off. I know they say things are different with your 2nd. And it's definitely true. It's hard to clean out a toy room, when my daughter is sitting in the middle of the room playing with all of the toys!
  •  We had our first baby shower. Love my friends!!!!! Had a blast.  Got some great practical things for the baby. 
  • I've learned to lean on my chiropractor these days! Extra stretching and manipulation is NOT a bad thing for my pregnant bones.

Alright, I'll update in a few days for my 31 weeks! 9 weeks or less to go?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

28 Weeks-Well, 29 now!

Today makes me 29 weeks.  I kept thinking during the week, I really need to blog my 28th week. And then, well....Life happened.

What's new? Other than the fact that ICE is a new food group in my eyes, and I am sleeping like junk.... not much has changed.

People are starting to ask when I'm due, which is other words for " you're getting big!" You have to really be showing for people to feel confident enough to ask a pregnant when you're pregnant. I keep saying I'm bigger, faster with this one. But I think I've narrowed it down to I'm bigger in my belly only. I have learned about this belly band that you can put over your jeans/pants to hold them up and conceal the fact that they are unbuttoned, that has been a dream! I can wear my own jeans. My legs and butt would have never fit in my (close to) regular pants at 30 weeks with A.  THANK YOU SPIN CLASS!!!!! I am rockin' lots of tights, and tunics. I just had to buy a size bigger, and they fit great! My maternity jeans and clothes that I had with Anisten, just don't fit me yet. My chest is smaller, as well. So over all, I'm okay with being "bigger" in the belly.

Sleep. It's getting hard to come by these days. I mean, I really only have 11 (or less) weeks left, so I guess it's just that time. I toss and turn, and have to keep my baby on his/her own pillow now. I have to get up to pee and eat 5 times a night. Just that time.

I am loving the little body parts though! I've gotten pretty good at figuring out where this little guy/girl keeps certain body parts. I think downward facing dog is among his/her favorite poses. In my right side.

I go to the doctor tomorrow, and after that will start the bi-weekly check ups! OMG where did this pregnancy go?