January- We moved in to our new home New Years Eve. The only thing that we set up was the bed so we would have a place to sleep. We were asleep in our new bed by 10 pm. We were both so tired from a whole day of buying a house, moving and me being 7 months pregnant. We only had my mother in law, myself and baby, Scott and Stephen to help. But none the less we got everything moved in the freezing cold weather. I spent the next week getting everything un packed and put away. It was the early stages of my nesting so it worked out well for organizing a new house! The house was in such great shape that we didn't have to do any modifications to it. We got a brand new roof the day we moved in, and everything else from here on out will just be personal preferences to change. So as of now we still have not really decorated the house with pictures, or curtains or anything like that.
We bought a new washer and dryer, and a new living room set. We have yet to put it in the real order in which we'd like still. Slowly but surely!
Also that first week of moving in was the first time I felt the baby do like elbows and knees movement. It was more than just kicking and punching. Such a great thing!!
February- in this month it was getting closer to D day! We started to think about the babies room, and slowly started to work on it little at a time. We decided to go with a bright color. Lime green. We accented it with big black and pink polka dots.
Scott worked so hard painting, where as I was pretty much usless in this department!.... He painted the walls with 2 coats, did all the vinyl polka dots by hand one at a time, and painted the trip on the doors. Amazing.
In Febuary we also celebrated Scotts 25th birthday. :-)
We had our first baby shower, which was OUTSTANDINGLY done by my family!!!
We also had our maternity ( the first set) pictures done in this month. My photographer said that she likes to do them at 28 weeks, but I wasn't large enough yet so we had to wait a little until I was 31 weeks.
I would DEFINITELY say that in Febuary ( especially the end of it) is when I POPPED!!!!
March- March was a great month. I began to get un comfortable being in the last month of my pregnancy! But I had another GREAT shower put together by some of my besties! Melissa, Amy and Amberlynn. These girls did a fantastic job and throwing me a shower! It was towards the beginning of the month.
Not much went on in March, except, my stomach grew very very large towards the end of the month before I popped!
I also had some more maternity pictures done. A friend at work's brother in law saw me at work one day and wanted to know if I'd do a few pics for his portfolio and baby fest. I agreed. He is now our regular photographer! They were done at 36 weeks. 36 WEEKS PEOPLE that's 9 months pregnant!!!!!! Ah. Very large belly to work with!
APRIL!!!!!!!!!!- Of course April was the most EXCITING month of all! We awaited the arrival of my baby girl. Her orginal due date was April 6th, and her ultra sound due date was April 4th ( Which I didn't know until the Thursday before she was born which was the 2nd of April)
We checked in to the hospital at 5:30 pm.
She completed our lives!!!
We wobbled our way through this new journey of the un known. No book, tv show, or person can tell you what you are really about to embark on when you have a child. Your built in gut instinct is the best radar when your a (new) parent. We were sleepy, grumpy and jacked up on caffine, but we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
May- By the time may came around everything was kind of getting a little settled.... we were getting used to the idea that we had a baby, and that mom didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep! May was wonderful b/c it was my very first mothers day. It was the first time I had left my baby with anyone while I wasn't there. That was harder than labor! LOL. But it got easier with time. It had to ( like everything else) a transition. The baby started growing and becoming more responsive and staying awake a little longer at a time, more expressive. Fun. We also got to take our first little trip to the lake at the end of May. That was a nice little get away and the baby by that time was pretty much sleeping though the night.
June- In June, I returned to work a few days a week.
Scott had his FIRST father's day. What a special day!!
Scottie also got his new " dad " mobile!
Exciting month for him!!!
And of course our sweet baby girl was just growing and growing!
July- We celebrated my 24th birthday at the lake on the 4th. I couldn't have been happier to spend it with my little family and my big family. We had such a great time. The baby was well on a schedule, so that worked out nice for us. We had a little more liberty at this time.
We had Anisten dedicated. This was a special day for us.
We took a road trip to Branson.
By July we were extremely comfortable with parent-hood. And OVER joyed. We had a bright eyed bright smile beautiful baby. She began to get really fun around this time!
August- in August we found out that Jonathan and Melissa are going to be expecting a baby! He will be here in April!
Other than that nothing too too exciting happened in this month.
September - Earlier in the year Scott and I decided that we wanted to run the race for the cure this year. I had been working on getting ready for it last year but I was 12 weeks pregnant and extrememly sick last year. I still went, but I only walked. So it was fun to go this year!
October- BOO!!! October marks the beginning of the holidays. While I know that halloween isn't really a " holiday" it's still a festivities and we have fun with the pumpkins and costumes. And boy, did we enjoy them ( ALL) this year!
In this month we also excitingly introduced our baby to real food! She took to it like a champ, and to this day is still a great eater. She'll eat any vegetable or fruit we offer her, and loves them.
November- We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary this month. What a great memory. This was the first year we decided to stay in and make dinner. Over the last year we have started cooking lots of things, fresh bread, new meals, desserts etc.... we wanted to try our hand at sushi! We had a blast, and made a memorable anniversary for sure.
We also took our first long road trip since having the baby. We made the trip to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. The first day was rough, but after that, we got adjusted and did just fine! We had a good time with all of the family. It was their first time to meet Anisten!
December Probably my favorite month next to the birth of our daughter. I know there are tons of blogs from the month of December. ( so for that reason I wont repeat myself for the millionTH time! hehe) This is why! I just loved this month this year! I will anticipate it every year.
2009 is coming to an END!!
What a wonderful year it has been! We have been though so much change, and have changed ourselves. We are more and more in love with the life that we lead every day. By al means it's not always easy. But that's life. Who said it would be easy? It's worth it.
We hope that you all had a great year like we did. And more so, that you have much happiness, prosperity, and an abundance of blessings to come in 2010!!!!! Welcome that fresh start in your life.